Monday, June 6, 2011

Why do video recorders always change my voice's tone?

So I've been trying to record myself singing to upload on youtube but whenever i do the rcording comes out with me sounding weird, not myself, almost like a child like voice and its annoying because it's not how i really sound. how can i fix this? why does this happen to like only me? what video recorders would be best for my problem and purpose? thanks!Why do video recorders always change my voice's tone?
You're used to listening to your voice from inside your head - which isn't how it sounds to the rest of us at all.

Everyone is shocked by the sound or their own voice - it's not the equipment, it's just that you're not used to the real sound of your voice.Why do video recorders always change my voice's tone?
Bad quality recorder, youtube also ruins everything.
Actually it is how you really sound. The way you sound to yourself isn't how everybody else hears you. I know it sucks but that's how it is.
probably, bcause that's your real voice!!!
thats because it is your voice, its inside your head you hear it different to how others hear it
That's how you really sound. Ask someone who knows you if its true. Your voice sounds diffrent to yourself than to others.
Unfortunately or not, that is in fact how your voice really sounds like. It's just shocking/surprising because when we hear ourselves talk or in our head, it's different from what we actually sound like to other people.

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