Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Guys, I'd like to know how you felt when your voice changed. How did you deal with it?

Was it a gradual change or did it pop into the highs and lows before settling on an octive? Was there a physical sensation when it jumped around or did your voice just suddenly sound as though a stranger were speaking with your mouth?

I'm a writer and since I'm not a man, I'd like some imput on this subject for a teenage male character.Guys, I'd like to know how you felt when your voice changed. How did you deal with it?
I'm sixteen, so this is a bit recent for me, and still somewhat present. It's something that sort of just comes to you slowly, you start losing control over your voice. It just slowly starts happening and it stays like that. Mostly what happens is slowly your voice changes, but over the years its doing that, if you are expressing something with strength in your voice, as in excitedly telling a joke, what'll happen is your control over your voice will sort of 'slip' and it'll just go higher. It's very embarrasing, particularly when people point it out. Especially a girl, or if its in class. You get slightly better control over it as you get older, and even once your voice has stopped changing, your voice will still crack at times. There is no phsyical sensation when it changes or cracks, it just simply changes which is why you can't control it. Hope this helps, good look with your writing.Guys, I'd like to know how you felt when your voice changed. How did you deal with it?
It would squeak and change pitch without notice for about six months. I hated it.

FORTUNATELY, I was a good mimic and could usually finish what I was saying more or less in the same pitch that I started. But it was torture. It turned me into an introvert for almost an entire school year.
well my voice started to change at the age of 12 and at first it kinda weird my voice was kinda raspy for a few days and then it changed again at 14 and it was easy to go with just kinda hard to get use to and then it changed again at 17 and was kinda same like the last time.but the i love the change in my voice because it sounds great to me and i have a good singing voice now i just dont like to sing in front of people hehe but my voice changed for the better and i think its awesome now hehe.
i felt like a man !! n girls die for dat masculine voice !!!! it was a gradual change though.......... but i njoyed !!!!
well i got to sit in the back row in choir..yeah i was in choir!

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