Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How can I change my voice?

My voice is monotone and boring and I don't like it. I want to be able to project emotions in my voice. I want to be able to hit a wider range of tones and pitches. It has always been my dream to be a voice actor, but my voice doesn't fit. How can I change it so that I can move from monotone to a voice that can get more emotion and feeling across. I am an 18 year old male.How can I change my voice?
It's not a very healthy or reasonable thing to do, but I know Tom Waits smoked his voice into what it is now. I also know there are a lot of exercises available (you can probably find plenty on youtube) to improve your range. As for the monotone voice, try gesticulating. Exaggerate if you must, but even the way you move your mouth as you speak helps improve the emotion expressed by sounds. I think I heard once that Pavarotti ate a lot of tomatoes, saying they were good for his voice, and I believe Celine Dion has moisture controlled environments to take care of hers. If not exactly tips, I suppose they're fun facts.

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