Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What does this voice change mean?

Okay, I'm 14 and I'm a boy. My voice used to be higher pitched and girly, but it changed. It's not changing to be deeper. It's actually not getting higher, it just changed tone. Think of one woman's voice, then a different woman's voice that sounds similar. To make a long explanation short, my voice changed from the first woman's voice to the second one. Is this normal?

Also, is there a way to look...not...pubescent? I know how it sounds, but please just answer...What does this voice change mean?
You are starting puberty and there is nothing you can or should do about it except accept it. It is perfectly normal and nothing to be afraid or ashamed about. It will only take about six months or so and you will wonder what you worried about.

If you are worried, have a word with a trusted adult, don't listen to most other teenagers, they will only try to make fun of you..What does this voice change mean?
It's just starting to change. It'll get deeper as time goes on. You're just experiencing the first shift. You're fine.

Enjoy looking young; you'll be older soon enough.
You voice is not going to change over night it is going to take a while and during that time you will go through different voice tones. At times while speaking just plain nothing might come out and then in seconds it will be fine again. Just remember humans don't come off an assembly line so we do things at different times.
It is normal, and all part of the process. First your voice sounds like a girly voice, and as it changes, it will sound like a woman for a while-you may get people mistaking you for your mom on the phone. This period does not last long-usually less than 6 months, and then you voice will make some major changes. No worries!
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