Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Will my voice change???????

Hi. I recently found out that I have hypothyroidism. My doctor told me that it is probably why I weigh so much and why my voice is really deep. Well I am going for an appointment on Tuesday for it. I guess it is the therapy thing. I am only 13 so I don't fully understand this. My voice is very deep and sounds weird and a lot of kids make fun of me in school and say that I sound like a man. I am totally sick of them calling me names and I hope that the drugs that are usually prescribed to people with hypothyroidism will change my voice and make it how it should sound. Do you think that when I am prescribed the medication for hypothyroidism that my voice will change? Or do you know that my voice will change or not? And how long will it take to change if it does change? Thanks a lot!Will my voice change???????
Only time will tell dear.

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